Gallery Showing 61–80 of 263 results Sort by popularity Sort by average rating Sort by latest Sort by price: low to high Sort by price: high to low Albott Bonhomme “Parrots” Painting Duffaut Prefete Oil Painting (Futuristic City)$4,900.00 Wilson Bigaud “Public Shower”$6,000.00 Joseph Jacob (Haitian b.1924)$1,000.00 Cut drum steel sculpture 36″ wall art$280.00 Yordan Dabady “Bar Scene”$2,000.00 Jacques Richard Chery “Children & fruits” Haitian art by Jeanne J. Rigaud “Fleurs Jaunes”$299.00 Haitian Art by Carel Blain$250.00 Metallic Mask on Wood (Assemblage) by Fred Thomas Hand crafted bookcase collage by Luce Turnier$3,000.00 Laurent Casimir Oil painting “Marketplace”$700.00 Yvon Jean Pierre oil painting Murat Brierre “Rooster Fight”$1,000.00 Raoul Viard “Landscape” Wooden carving sculpture of street seller Yves Phanor “Cap-Haitian”$1,000.00 Jean Claude Legagneur “Francesco Clemente”$11,000.00 Carlo Jean-Jacques “Les Copines” Raymond Olivier “Cubism Village” ← 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 … 12 13 14 →